Chapter 7 |The Book of Judges: From Destruction to Deliverance

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All right.

Well, again, welcome.

I appreciate you being here this morning.

I'm excited to get back into,
the book of judges.

We're going to chapter by chapter,

through the book of judges,

though it's an historical book

about the God's people,
who going into the promised Land

and taking possession of it
and learning how to enjoy it?

it still is very, very relevant,

very, spiritual and practical lessons
for us as well.

And so, I'm excited to that
we have the opportunity

to open up the Bible,
that the Bible is, is I don't know if

if you have as much fun
with the Bible as I have.

but it is a lot of fun,

to read it, to understand,

what God is saying to us in the
the nuances behind it.

Everything God wants to say is very,
very plain.

but there are multiple levels
to it as well.

Someone said this, that the Bible is,

is is. So,

the truth of God and,

revealed in Scripture is so shallow
a child can play in it

and so deep, and else it can drown in it
like, it's just it's just it's beautiful.

And so I appreciate the fact
that we gather together on a weekly basis,

to unpack it last week,
I went through most of chapter

six of judges
and introduced you to a man named Gideon.

This week, I'm going to finish chapter six
and do chapter seven.

There's the tail end of chapter six.

I didn't get to.

And for church folks who,
who who've grown up in church with with,

with old Bible stories,
Gideon will be somewhat familiar,

especially the last part of chapter six
that I didn't talk about.

For those of you for whom it's
not familiar.

I wanted to unpack it for you
and give you some things I think that

you'll hopefully take with you,
in the in the days that are coming,

as both an encouragement,

and a source of strength and hope
and to build your faith.

So if you have a Bible
and brought one with you, judges

six of every last thing that we'll look at
is on the app.

You're welcome to turn there as well.

but judges six,

God has as led

his people into the Promised Land.

He's given it to them as his gift

that they gained by faith.

But it's by their faithfulness

that they will enjoy the promise
that God gave.

And the same is true for us.

God gives us the promise of salvation
that's gained by faith,

not by works.

But we enjoy God's gift of salvation
by our faithfulness.

And in judges,
as the people were not faithful,

they did not enjoy the promise
and the gift of God.


if I call myself a Christian

but am not faithful in that relationship
and my response to God in his love,

I will not enjoy the promises of God
that he's given me.

Also, if I've never bit my lip

submission and said, God
your God, I'm not, forgive me of my sin.

I want a relationship with you.
I believe what Jesus did on the cross.

There's no way that you can

enjoy the promises of God

as he intended his people
to experience them.

And so, though
the people are in the Promised Land,

there's a lot of enemies
of God's people in that land.

And as the people failed to deal

seriously with those people
remaining there, as they failed to deal

seriously with them, they ended up living

still under bondage and defeat.


if we failed to deal with the enemies

of our spiritual life, sin,
we fail to deal sin in our life.


We will also live lives of defeat.

And so we enter this scenario.

We see this man
Gideon and God said, Gideon,

I want to deliver you and my people

from those enemies
that are ruining their lives.

and his people have cried out to God.

God understands the the difficulty
with which they're living.

The he understands the defeat

they're living under the enemies
that are oppressing them.

They cry out to God. God says,
thank you for crying out to me.

Of course I will intervene.

Gideon, you're the one.

I'm going to do it through.

And immediately
Gideon comes up with excuses.

Why, God, you probably choose someone else

of why he's not quite ready,
of why he's not quite capable.

And it reminds me
a lot of me in or reminds me a lot of you.

And it reminds me a lot of us.

Gideon really does want to be set free.

Gideon really does want to live
in the freedom of God's promises.

Gideon really does want to be used of God
in significant ways.

But he's fearful, right?

Little unsure,

and reminds me of us

because I believe
that most of us really do

want all that God has for us.

We want things to get better

and to be better, and to be all that God
designed them to be.

Our marriages and our families and our it
and all that stuff.

But there's part of us
that is a little fearful to jump

all in with God,

a little fearful, a little hesitant,
a little bit of doubt to say, okay,

I want to be a fan of Jesus.

I don't want to be a fanatic.

And so there's there's
some of that with us

that we're just hesitant to say,
okay, Lord, all the way, your way.

Yeah. And so we're Gideon was.

And so though God says, Gideon,
you're my guy.

Gideon says, I appreciate the sentiment.


he's not quite sure of himself,
nor of God.

And so Genesis star sorry, judges
six starting in verse 36.

Then Gideon said to God,

if you will save Israel by my hand,

he knows what God told him said, get it,
I'm gonna save Israel by your hand.

He says, if you're saved by my hand,
as you have said, behold,

I'm laid a fleece of wool
on the threshing floor.

Any of your church people?

Have you ever heard the story of getting
a man and the fleece laying out a fleece?

A few of you.

Okay, for those of you haven't,
this is this is this really famous story.

If there's dew on the fleece alone
and it's dry on the ground, then

I shall know that you will save yourself
by my hand as you have said.

And it was so

when Gideon rose early
the next morning, and squeeze

the fleece, he wrung out enough dew
from the fleece to fill a bowl of water.

Then Gideon said to God, God,
that was fantastic.


Let not your anger burn against me.

Let me speak just once more.

Please let me test
just once more with the fleece.

Please let it be dry

on the fleece only and all,

on all the ground.

Let there be dew.

And God did so that night, and it was dry

on the fleece only,
and all the ground there was do now.

So Gideon really does want to do
what he really does want to follow God.

He really does want to be obedient
and faithful and all that stuff.

But he's just fearful.

He's afraid.
He's unsure. And so he says, God,

if you're going to do what you said
you would do,

then I'm gonna lay this fleece out.

At night when I wake up, I want the fleece
be when the dry and the ground dry.

And God does it.

Would that be enough for me in you to say,
all right, I'm.

I'm in.

No. It wouldn't.

You're not any better.

I'm not either.

Let's not, like,
get all high and mighty right now.

So. So here's here's what. Get it.

And here's what we do.


maybe I should have reversed it

because fleece absorbs water.

And so with the dew on the ground,
maybe the fleece just absorbed

all the water from the ground.

And that's why the fleece was written
the dry and the ground was dry.

So maybe it really
wasn't. God, I was hearing


Maybe I just made

a little bit more convincing.

And so God, understanding

our doubts, understanding
our fear is super patient

allows Gideon to reverse it.

And so God make the fleece

dry, the ground wet, then all know

and God does it because he is so good. It.

But here's what I know.

Fear is the driving force in Gideon's

He's scared.

When God first called him, he was scared.


threshing went out the winepress.

We talked about that.

It was a it was because he was scared
of the Midianites.

Fears driving.

And when fear is at the helm,

we spend our lives questioning God.

When fear's driving the bus,

all we do is look for U-turns.

I want to go a different way.

I want to do it differently. I'm afraid.

This passage, I

think, has been so misunderstood by church

and I want to explain to you in a way,
I think, that that honors

what we know of God in Scripture
and honors our response

to him.

This passage has been understood

by my church people
because they've been taught this way

that says, God,

I need to determine your will.

So I'm going to put out a fleece.

So give me a sign
so I will know your will.

You understand how that plays?

And at the surface of what
that looks like, what Gideon's doing.

But that's not what he's doing.

Gideon already knew the will of God.

God's will

was to save his people through Gideon.

Though, God's will wasn't in question.


was not seeking
a determination of God's will.

Gideon was seeking a confirmation
of God's presence.

That's the difference.

And when church people

say, God,
I need a sign from you about your will.

God says, no, I have.

Oh, you already know my will.

The fact is that most people in church

know more of the will of God
than what they do.


Our issue is not knowing what we ought
to do according to God's will.

Our issue is trusting enough to do it.

And so Gideon is not seeking
a determination of the will of God.

He is seeking the confirmation
of God's presence because Gideon will know

that God,
if you are with me unmistakably, it's

going to be okay.

And I suggest that's where you and I are.

To say, God,
I need a sign from you about your will.

I need guidance in the form of a sign.

We have to be very, very, very careful
because Jesus will later say a wicked

and adulterous generation asks for a sign.

We have to be very

careful about this whole sign thing.

While the Holy Spirit
will come upon Gideon,

we, after the cross and Pentecost,

have been given the Holy Spirit within.

And so the Christ follower, the disciple,

the apprentice of Jesus, ought
not ask for guidance,

because God will say,
I have given you the guide.

You don't need to ask me for guidance

through a sign
I have given you the guide within you.

Another name of the Holy Spirit
is our guide, and if we have been given

God the guide within us,
why would I be so frail in faith?

To think I need a sign from
God about guidance?

You understand?

And so our issue

is learning to tune our ear,

to hear the voice of God,
our guide, the Holy Spirit.

So we don't have to

seek for signs and confirmations of his.

Will you follow me so far? Oh, yes.

Oh, yeah. Oh.

So God is patient

and gracious and is patient with Gideon
like he's patient with us.

He says, I'm going to speak to you again
about my will.

You already know it,
but I will confirm my presence with you.

And that's what he does for Gideon.

And so then in verse in chapter seven,

then Zerubbabel, which is another name
for Gideon and all the people

who were with him rose early and encamped
beside the spring of Herod.

And the camp of Midian was north of them
by the hill of Mora, in the valley.

The Lord said to get him,

the people with you are too many for me
to give the Midianites into their hand,

lest Israel boast over me, saying,
my own hand has saved me.

So Gideon musters the forces,

and he gets all the guys ready to fight,

and we will learn that he has 32,000, men
ready to go to battle.

32,000 the problem?
That's a lot of people.

But the problem is
the Midianites have mustered their forces

of 135,030 2000, compared to 135,000.

Do you see the problem?

You see the problem.

So those of you who didn't
go to one of the Madera high schools,

what what would be the
the mathematical ratio

35,000 compared 135,104 to 1.

A marine got that?

That is impressive.


It's a 4 to 1 ratio.

That's not very good odds right.

Going into battle a 4 to 1 ratio.

Now you ask
a marine is like yeah no problem.

4 to 1 ratio.

And God says get in.

You got a problem.

What what is the problem
that God identifies for Gideon?

Yes. Men.

That Gideon has too many four.

It's a 4 to 1 ratio.

How are you going to tell me?

I have too many.


most of us get in these times,

and maybe some of you are in these times
when you feel completely outnumbered,

when the cards stacked against
you are too many, too

powerful, too big,
and you're crying for more.

More resources, more time or energy, more,
more your God, I need more.

You haven't given me enough, right?

The task reform is too difficult.

Listen, here's what we have to understand.

That difficulty must only be measured
by the one doing the work.

If the battle were completely up
to get in his men.

Yeah, it's difficult,

but difficulty must only be measured
by the one doing the work.

Who is doing the work of this battle,
Gideon or God

shows a 4 to 1 ratio.

Too difficult.

as long as you and I fight our battles

in our own strength,
with our own resources

and our own strategy,
with our own knowledge, it's too much,

it's too difficult.

And that's why we feel overwhelmed
and discouraged and tired

and exhausted and defeated
because we're trying so hard

to muster our strength
and muster us to do it.

And it's too difficult.

But when difficulty is measured
by the one doing the work

and we submit and say, okay, God,
I am incapable,

you are my only.

My only option.

Now the tables turn

because now the difficulty is measured
by the one doing the work.

You understand and.

And so

now therefore, proclaiming the ears

of the people, saying,
This is God to get him to tell the people.

So get tells the people,
whoever is fearful and trembling,

let him return home
and hurry away from Mount Juliet.

So then 22,000 of the 32,000 returned

home, and Gideon was left with how many?


Okay, guys, we're going to go to war.

If you're afraid, you can go home.

22,000 leave.

Listen, this is what God does.

He gives his people tests of faith.

The opposite of fear is not courage.

Biblical. The opposite of fear is faith.

And so when he says,
if you're fearful, leave.

I don't want you here in this work.

What he's doing is giving them

not a test
of courage is giving them a test of faith.

And God will always lead us
to these positions of being outnumbered

and overwhelmed,
to give us tests of faith.

When Gideon tells the guys,
if you're fearful, leave.

What he's doing is what God said to do.

Back in Deuteronomy 20.

I think verses five 629,

God gave his people for reasons
they didn't have to go to battle.

One of them was,
according to Deuteronomy 20,

if you build a house,
if you just built a house

and are called up for service,
you don't have to go serve

because it would be horrible
if you went to war and died

and someone else got to live in your home.

So go home, enjoy it for a little while.

You know, you just moved to Riverstone
just for fun and,

curse out your neighbors.

The second reason
why you didn't have to go to battle

is if if you planted a vineyard
and the Bible says in due time 20

if you just a vineyard,
you don't have to go to war,

because then if you died, someone else

would eat your grapes in your oranges,
and that would just be a barn.

The third reason is you didn't have to go
to war is if you got married

and God was like, look.

Nobody wants to
get married and not enjoy their honeymoon.

And so if you just get married, like,
you don't have to go fight

because your wife is going to be at home
really frustrated and upset.

And by the time you do come home,
she's not going to be very happy with you.

So just go home, take care of her.

You know the fourth reason

why God said you don't have to go to war
is if you're afraid.

And the reason why God said if you're
fearful you don't have to go is so that.

And the Bible says, And I'm 20,
otherwise your fear

would infect the rest of your company.

Here's what we have to understand.

Fear and faith are both very contagious.

And so when God says, I'm

going to move, I want those who are want
to move with me, to come with me.

Everybody else, stay away.

Because he knew if he allowed
22,000 fearful, unfaithful hearts

to be amongst the 32,000,
it would turn all 32 away.

You understand?

That's why
some of you need to change your friends

and your groupings.

Because you're spending way too much time

with fearful, doubting, unfaithful people.

And you know the effect that has on you.


So it says you're afraid.

Go 10,000.


against 135,000.

What's the ratio, marine one.

Yeah, well I would say 14 to 1,
but we can disagree on it.

14 to 1.

Or the odds getting better or worse.

And what's God doing.

On the Lord said
to Gideon the people are still too many.

Come. Whoa whoa whoa, hold on.

You're going the opposite direction.

God, I agree to follow
you, and stuff's getting worse.

I be obedient,
and stuff's getting more difficult.

Ever been there?

God, I'm doing what you asked.

Why are you turning the fire up


Take them down to the water
and I'll test them for you there.

And anyone whom I say to you, this
one shall go with you shall go with you.

And anyone of whom I say to you, this
one shall not go with you shall not go.

So he brought the people down
to the water.

And the Lord said to Gideon, everyone
who laps the water with his tongue,

as a dog does, you shall set by himself.

Likewise everyone who kneels down to drink

gods give it.

Here it is.

When I was a little boy,
my parents did a great job

at taking us to church
and telling us Bible stories.

This was one of the stories
that that our parents taught

us, and I had a question like,
what is God doing here?

Like, you got to send these guys
to boot camp to get them ready.

Now, when my daddy was in a marine Corps
boot camp

did not consist of how do you drink water?

That seems
what boot camp is for these guys.

And I was really like, what is this?

This is why the Bible didn't
make sense to me. Like it does.

This is ridiculous.
Let me tell you what's going on.

God was giving his people
the test of readiness.

He had already given them
the test of faith.

I know you're fearful,
but will you be faithful now?

He's giving you the test of readiness.

And this is how this
this is what was going down.

He's got all these guys,

and he says,
I want you to take him down to the river

because they're thirsty
and watch how they drink.

They've got two options. Drink.

One is drinking like a dog does
when he gets down

on all fours and drinks like this.

But if you have a dog, is how they drink

He says,
some of you guys are going to be out there

and they're supposed to verify
and they're thirsty and they're drinking.

Some of them are going to scoop the water

and they're going to drink
out of their hands,


That's how they're going to do it.

What's the difference?

We're getting ready to go to war.

Am I ready to fight?

No, I'm a dead man.

I got no idea
what's going on around me right


If I fight with
swords, how am I going to grab my sword?

Whereas this.

But now I'm alert.

Now I'm ready.

I see what's going on.

I'm not surprised by a thing.

If I need to draw my sword,
I can draw my sword.

Do you see? It is doing.

He's giving them a test of ready.

Are you ready?

You might believe
you might have things with me,

but you're not ready.

Set. Are you ready?

It's the same thing as us.

Are you, in a word, to you?

Where are your eyes? Open.

Are you surprised by how I don't see it?

Come on.

I'm not here.

There's an offer named Cooper,

and he said people live in four different
colors white, yellow, orange and red.

And people who live in the white.

They're these type of people.

See, if you've seen them. Yes.


Do you ever see people walking around town
like that?

Walk around school one where I work

at home with the people
they're supposed to love.

Whenever I'm out around town
and I see people walking like this,

I make sure I get right in front of them
and start walking right towards them,

because I can't wait to run into them.

Friggin head down generation

living in the white, completely oblivious
to what's going on around them.

And when they live like that,
when you live like that

and something happens, you're dead.

Yeah, it's not.

And so one thing is, author says that we
need to be people who live in the yellow.

We're alert.

You notice things,

you see, who sit sitting where,

see who's carrying what.

You notice.

And they're not surprised.

That's what God was doing.

Live attentively.

Understand what the Scripture says.

So we don't wrestle primarily
against flesh and blood,

but against rulers, authorities and powers
who don't sleep.

It's a constant.

But greater is he who is in you than he
who is in the world.

You don't have to be fearful,
but you got to be aware.

Yeah. Amen.

There's a lot more going on
than what we see.

And if all we see is all that we see that

we're missing a lot
that we should be seeing.

Like I said, my daddy taught me

that principle a long time
ago, and I still remember it.

Someone said this, and many people
take a lot of unnecessary time

with necessary things
to be alert for your heart.

Be ready.

Have a sense of urgency,

not panic and not rush,

but alertness and urgent,
especially regarding

spiritual things.

And the number of those who lapped

putting their hands
to their mouths was 300 men,

but all the rest of the people
knelt down to drink water.

And the Lord said to Gideon,
with the 300 men who left,

I will save you, and give the Midianites
into your hand, and let all the others go.

Every man to his home.

So the people took the provisions
in their hands and their trumpets,

and he sent all the rest of Israel,
every man, to his tent,

but retained the 300 men
from 32,000 down to how many?

300. Now, finally,

God's in a position to get the glory.

If they would have wanted a 4 to 1 ratio,

they all thought, yeah, well,
we're pretty darn good fighting men.

You know what

the ratio was now
300 to compare 235,000.00

and 450 to 1,

450 to 1.

That's the odds.

So I mean the Spartans couldn't
even get this done right?

This is Sparta.

450 to 1.

If you ever felt like those are your odds


And the captain Midian

was below him in the valley
that same night, the Lord said to him.

Arise, go down against the camp,
for I've given it into your hand.

But if you are afraid, Gideon,
because he knows us.

If you're afraid,

if you're afraid to go down in the desert,
go down into the camp with your servant,

and you shall hear what they say.

And after afterward, your hands

shall be strengthened
to go down against the camp.

Then he went down with Pourra,
his servant,

to the outpost of the armed men
who were in the camp,

and the Midianites, and the Amalekites,
and all the people of the east

lay along the valley like locusts
in abundance, and their camels

were with outnumber as the sand
that is on the seashore in abundance.

God says, Gideon, if you're still afraid,

take your servant
and go down to their camp.

And what does Gideon do

or take?

Servant goes down.
What's that mean about Gideon?

He's still afraid.

Why don't you think at some point
you have enough? Say.

Okay, well. Let's go. Right.

We're the same.

God answers one for God steps
and does one thing.

And immediately for God. I'd.

He's still fearful.

Overwhelming odds.

And God is so good and so.

Look at this.

When Gideon came down to the camp,

a man was telling a dream to his comrade.

And he said, behold, I dreamed a dream.

And get this a cake of barley bread
tumbled into the camp of Midian,

and came to the tent, and struck it,
so that it fell,

and turned the whole thing, the whole tent
upside down, so that the tent laid flat.

And his comrade answered, well,

this is no other than the sword of Gideon,
the son of Joash, a man of Israel.

God has given into his hand
Midian and all the camp.

So God says, get it?

If you're still afraid,
I want you to go right now and listen.

And he gets there right at the moment

where one of the midnight
soldiers is telling another soldier

about a dream he had of a barley loaf
rolling down the hill,

crashing into the tent and leveling
the tent.

God's timing is so good.

He got get into where he needed
to be right at the right moment

to bolster his faith.

Why is it significant
that it was a barley loaf

rolling down the hill?

Barley was the bread

that you fed your livestock,
not your people.

It was the bread of the poorest,
of the poor, of the poor.

What was Gideon's initial excuse
when God said, I want to use you?

He said, I have no value.

I'm the least and most insignificant
of all the people in my family.

And my family is at least the most
insignificant family in the entire tribe.

And our tribe is the least,
most insignificant tribe of all 12 I,

I have no value.

I can't do this.

So God is addressing his initial concern.

I'm gonna take a barley loaf.

That which in your eyes has
no value is of no consequence.

And that's why I'm going to use it.

Was Gideon.

God is so good.

And so look at what he does.

He gets this word like he's like, okay,
I got my God, I got God, I got

as soon as Gideon

heard this telling of this dream
and this interpretation, he.

What he worshiped

and the return of the camp of Israel
and said, arise.

For the Lord has given the host
of Midian into your hand.


We have to become worshipers

before we can be warriors.

We have to become worshipers

before we become warriors.

It's not about the fight.

It's about the worship.

I like to say it like this.

Public victories are

results of private devotions.

Most people just work on the the public.

I got to get better.

I got to be.

This has to happen first.

This has to happen first.

Our private or public victories

will be the result of private devotions.

After I've worshiped,

after I've done time with Jesus,
then I can find.

When I fight for your marriage,

it's going to be after you've worshiped,

after you've devoted yourself
to God in His Word.

You want to fight for your family.

It's after you worship.

It's after your devotions.

Do you understand?

Gideon got all this confirmation from God
and he didn't go fight.

He went to church.

I'm proud of you for being here.

This is your prayer
preparation for your battle this week.

Your public victories will be a result

of this.

But look at the art 451.

This is what God often does.

He often God often stacks
the deck against us.

Makes the odds worse and worse and worse.

When we pray for better odds, God says,
that's not my way.

My way are worse odds for you. Why?

Two reasons to reveal our faith
or lack of it.

And to require us to live by faith.

Not to live by the confidence

in our strength
or the confidence in the numbers.

All through the Bible,

this is what God does.

God went from 4 to 1 with Gideon

all the way down to 450 to 1 odds.

You go later in the Bible,

with the prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel.

If you include the prophets of Baal
and the prophets of Asherah, 850 to 1.

If you

look at the way God's math and ratios
work starts at 4 to 1, goes

to 451, goes to 851,
and then by the time Jesus gets here

was his disciples Post-Resurrection
he says, I'm with you and I'm sending you.

You'll be my witness.

Here's the very end of the age.

Those ratios at that time.

11 to 300 million. Wow.

That's a 1 to 27 million ratio.

Look at God's math from 4 to 1

450 to 1 850 to 1

to one.

For every 22,000,027 million.

That's God's math.

Why does God keep him moving

the odds that way against us? Why?

Because he keeps proving himself.

To go from 4 to 1, down to 2 to 1.

What are you getting weaker.


Remember, difficulty is measured

by the one doing the work.

One for every 27 million.

Ain't tough for God.

He's the one doing the work.

So when the odds feel like
it is overwhelming God against me,

God says, I know it is

because I want you to come to terms
with what your faith is and what it isn't.

And I want you to come
to terms of submitting to me for.

If you're being forced

to rely only on God, guess what?

Rely on God alone.

If you're being forced to rely on
God alone, rely on God alone.

It's pretty simple.

We keep thinking and praying

that God will give us better odds.

And God says,
I don't want you to have better odds.

I want you to have a little bit of faith.

Because a little bit of faith.

I'll move a mountain.


I need to fight a 300 man

into three companies and put trumpets
in the hands of all the all of them.

And empty jars with torches inside.

Each man has two hands.

He's been given two implements.

What are they?

A trumpet and a torch with.

With the jar.

Where's the sword?

It's not listed.

They got two hands.

They got a trumpet
and a torch covered up in a jar.

And he said to them, look at me. Use.

Gideon says,
look at me and do like, do what I do

when I come to the outskirts of the camp,
do as I do when I blow the trumpet.

I and all who are with me
then blow the trumpet.

And on every side of the camp,
and shout for the Lord and for Gideon.

I love this about leaders.

Leaders lead from the front.

They don't command from the rear.

Leaders are the tip of the spear.

Leaders say, do as I do,

not just what I say.

That's the role of leaders.

That's the role of leadership.

Watch what happens.

So Gideon, of the 100 men
who were with him,

came to the outskirts of the camp
at the beginning of the middle of us.


So right as they had had

and had just set the watch
as they were changing the guards,

and they blew the trumpets
and smashed the jars that were in heads.

What was then
thought inside the jars, the torch.

Then the three companies

blew the trumpets and broke their jars.

They held in their left hand the torches

and in the right hands
the trumpets to blow.

And they cried out, A short for the Lord
and for Gideon.

And every man stood in his place
around the camp,

and all the army ran.

They cried out and fled.

You got

Gideon's 300 men around the
the rim of the camp.

The mediums and markets are all down below
and in the middle of the night.

Write offs and change the guard.

All of a sudden crash of the jars.

All these torches illumine
and the trumpets sound.

And it looks to the enemies down below
as if they are surrounded

by hordes of armies.

When did get in his men ever draw

their sword?

God wanted to make it so crystal clear.

This is about me.

It's not about your ability.

I'm with you.

Don't be afraid.

In the midst of your fear, be obedient.

I got this.

They lose their minds.

When they blew the 300 trumpets,
the Lord set

every man's sword against his comrade.

And against all the army.

They slaughtered each other

without Gideon and his

300 men doing the thing.

And that day, God won a great victory.

Not because Gideon was fearless,
but in the midst of his fear.

He was obedient

to understand.

And he didn't fight or complained

against God,
stacking the odds against him,

he said, okay, God, that's
how are you going to play this one?

What do you want from me now?

Okay, God,
that's how you're going to play this one.

What do you want from me now?

Okay. God,
that's how you're going to play this one.

What do you want

from me now?

The great victory
that God gained that day was great,

but it was going to create
a lot of internal problems.

And chapter eight is all about that.

You see, when Gideon garners
to garner his people to go fight,

he left out the largest
and most powerful of the northern tribes.

He didn't invite them to fight.

And because our

egos are so wrapped up in ourselves,

the fact that they weren't invited,

it triggered them.

And because they weren't asked to be
a part of the battle, they got jealous

because they were ignorant, arrogant,

and their feelings got really hurt.

Let me just tell you this, my friends.

Jealous people with hurt feelings

rob everybody's joy.

They'll work it out.

But that's for next week.

Chapter it.

I want you to read it this week.

For us, as we wrap this up,

I want to ask you this.

Have you consider does it feel like you're
just up against it?

Whatever it is, are the odds forever

not in your favor.

You have to know who God is.

If you're going
to have hope of surviving it.

See, disciples know this.

Followers of Jesus know this.

Apprentices of Jesus know.

That he is a God
who is capable of anything.

Go ahead, God, stack the odds

you're doing the work.

It's okay.

Disciples, apprentices of Jesus know

that he's a God who will give us
tests of faith, and we need him.

We need him.

He'll put us in positions to be fearful
because he wants to reveal the faith

we have when we don't have.

Disciples of Jesus.

Apprentices of Jesus know that he's a God
who will give us tests of readiness.

Pay attention.

Are you aware?

Of what's going on around you?

Not just in the physical world,
but spiritually as well?

Disciples of apprentices just know this.

He's capable of anything,
but it's going to put us in positions

and test our faith and faith and and
put us in position to test our readiness.

And so

disciples of Jesus,

well, you must be a worshiper
before you become a warrior.

But we have to be people of worship.

And prayer and Bible reading and

and the internal stuff

where this becomes the priority,

not your strategy,

not your numbers.

Well, we we have to realize
that our public victories

will only be a result
of private devotions.

You want to win.

You want your marriage, your family,

your finances.

You want where you invest your time
and your energy.

It starts here.

Before it's ever seen out there.


Apprentices of Jesus understand

that we rely on God alone.

To whom else are you going to go


Aren't your prayer?

God, you are a good God.

Good, good.

And I thank you
for what you've given us in your Word

that shows us your heart,
that helps us understand your ways.

So that you are not a mystery anymore.

Though you are mysterious,

you and your ways are not a mystery

that we can know you.

We can know them.

I thank you for your word,

and I thank you
that you love us enough to remain faithful

to who you are
and to those you have called

God. There are some of us in this place
that are fearful.

There are some of us in this place
that have very little faith,

that all we see
are the odds stacked against us,

the odds stacked against our marriage,
the odds stacked against our health,

the odds stacked against our future,
the odds stacked against our family.

The odds stacked against.

And for some, that is so overwhelming

and so fearful. God,

they just don't know what to do.

And I thank you
that you understand that about us,

and that with mercy and patience

you call us, even

in the midst of fear and doubt,

to take one step of obedience
at a time. Yes.

Yes, father, I believe that you have
spoken to us what your will is.

We're not asking to know more.

What we are asking for

is confirmation of your presence

and your power with us and within us.

Holy spirit, you are our guide.

Guide. You,

God, you are the God who is with us.

Confirm that for us

and we will take.

I challenge you just
to make this commitment to God right now.

I challenge you
to make this commitment to God.

I promise to make

imperfect steps of obedience.

God, I'm not going to tell you
that I'm going to be perfect.

I'm not.

But I will promise I will take imperfect
steps of obedience as

best I can.

You know?

And, father,

as you see
us, as we show you that we trust you

by even our imperfect steps of obedience,
would you move your hand

in spite of the overwhelming, not

would you move your hand

in mighty and unmistakable ways

to confirm who you are

that we've seen in Scripture,
and to do what you've done in the past?

The stories that we heard in their days.

May they be the stories
that we tell in ours.

You hear?

We trust you.

That's what we got.

No one else to trust.

Do what only you can do.

And for that God, we give you things.

In your name I pray.


Listen, I love you, I love.

Open the Bible with you.

The Bible is fun, isn't it?

Any fun?

Yeah, it's good stuff, man.

So listen, judges eight, next week,

we'll do our best to get through that
and see what God gives us a little bit.

And we'll get on to chapter
nine and ten as well.

It's pretty interesting. Okay.

All right.

Kind of song alley that you were

Zoe singing
actually that was Jeff singing.

They're going to help. I hope so.

Chapter 7 |The Book of Judges: From Destruction to Deliverance
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