James 3:1-12 | Faith Works: The Book of James
Download MP3James three is the passage that we're in.
I don't know how much of it
I'm going to get through.
And so I'm going to trust
that you're going to read it on your own.
and ask the Holy Spirit
to give you wisdom about what you read.
I want to talk about
at least the first two verses
and then tell you something
that just happened.
When we left off in James in chapter two.
James made it pretty clear
that words alone don't account for much.
he said, you can say whatever you want
about faith and about following Jesus.
You can say whatever you want,
but at least what you
unless what you say is backed up
by what you do and proven by what you do,
what you say doesn't matter.
In essence, what
he's saying is all your words of faith
are useless and dead unless it's
proven by what you do.
And then in James chapter three,
he says, now let me flip the script
a little bit.
Your words are really, really important.
He just got done saying, it's
not that big a deal.
What you say it matters what you do.
And then all of a sudden in James three,
he says, okay,
but let me go back to the words part.
It's really crucial
about what you say and how you say it.
So he he talks a lot about words.
He focuses on words now.
And our speech
and what we have in James three
one through 12 is some,
some instruction that is
is incredibly practical,
incredibly practical.
And so I just want to give you
this charge on the front,
because I'm not sure
how this one's going to go.
So I just want to give you the charge
on the front end
when you leave this place.
Spend this week reading James three verses
one through 12.
It'll be clear
and practical enough for you.
You can get something about it
if you ask the Holy Spirit.
Speak to me about this now
and then read it.
You'll get something out of it.
That'll be.
That'll be good.
It'll be godly.
It'll be biblical.
But let me I do want to get through.
I think maybe the first two verses
and with a little bit of explanation,
and then tell you a little bit
about what went down in the first service.
Here's what James three one says.
Not many of you should become teachers,
my fellow believers,
because you know that you will.
That that we who teach
will be judged more strictly.
So he
said, don't don't desire to be teachers.
Now he's not talking about teaching
in the public school system.
although that may be a good warning
for some,
love our district, but, boy,
that is a high calling.
Man, that is,
what he's really talking about is,
is don't many people desire
to be preachers and teachers of the word?
Don't rush into it.
Now, let me give some context before
I give you content, because it's important
for you to know the context.
At the time that James was writing this.
being a teacher of the word,
a preacher of God
and his kingdom
was a very lofty profession.
It was a very, very high calling.
and many people wanted to be
in this position of leadership,
in this position of authority,
and they
wanted to be respected as a teacher.
And so there was a lot of people clamoring
to sit on the stool on Sunday morning.
But oh, how times have changed.
There are many people
anymore who want to sit in this place.
Now, most of us
want to be taught the Bible
and want to be a part, a part of a Bible
study where someone is teaching us.
But few of us want to be that person,
Yeah, right.
Right. Yeah.
If I'm telling the if I'm telling a lie,
then y'all sign up to start teaching
Bible study.
And so we all want it.
We just don't want to have to be the one
to give it.
At one point in our nation's
history, in the early days,
preachers were some of the most educated
and most well-respected
people of the community.
They're held in very high esteem,
very well respected,
and people were attracted
to the idea of perhaps,
maybe one day attaining that measure
of being a preacher.
and then, generations
go by in the 60s, hit
and the 60s were a time where,
culture learned and began
to perfect the ability to question
and deny authority.
And it has been a downhill slide
of the respect of authority
for the last 60 plus years.
So much so
that it's now become
the prevailing,
way of living is to deny every authority
except the authority
that's in here for me.
I am my own authority.
I will deny every
and resist every other authority
except for what I think is right.
And whatever I say is right for me
is right because I am my own authority.
That's how far we slid.
It's a dangerous place to be.
There's been such a slide
that even even preachers and teachers
desire to be preachers and teachers
so they can build their own brand
and have their own
So true.
And and there there are many people
who sit in a position of authority
in teaching who have very sad
and misplaced priorities.
And so James says, be very careful.
I want to go through verses one and two,
and I'm going to give you the I'm going
to read one again and give you verse two.
Not many of you should become teachers,
my fellow believers,
because you know that what you teach
will be judged more strictly.
I'm going to come back to that.
We all stumble in many ways.
Anyone who's never at fault
and what they say is perfect,
able to keep their whole body in check.
The King James
Version phrases
this really well that we missed
in all the other versions,
and it says we all stumble.
In many ways.
The King James Version says it like this.
In many things we offend everybody.
That's what.
That's what James is saying.
In many things we offend all,
especially teachers.
Those who desire to to have authority
and to teach.
James says
we'll offend everybody at some point.
And any of you in any position
of authority and leadership
and teaching or coaching,
I guarantee you you have offended
somebody right?
And so let's take this out of the world
just teaching and preaching
and put it in the world of fatherhood.
Us dads.
You know that there have been
those moments in those times.
When you have
offended those you love the most,
And James says, it's
just what that's what we're going to do.
And here's why. Here's why.
And especially for teachers and preachers.
One one reason we offend people is because
if we're teaching truth,
guess what truth does
offends people.
I said last week, look,
I don't want to offend you,
but if you're fit, if this is your fault,
not mine.
Now, it's
truth is not to be spoken
or taught with a club.
Paul will say the Ephesians,
speak the truth in love.
So it doesn't mean be abusive with it,
but it does mean speak it.
And when you speak the truth, it's
going to be a thing.
Especially in this culture
in which we live,
in this culture
that says, I am my own authority.
If you teach what is truth, i.e.
afford true authority
from the one who is the authority, it's
going to be offensive.
For those who think
their truth is their truth.
And so it's going to be offensive.
One of the best things a coach can do
is to be truthful with their players
and tell them the truth.
You're not good.
Or you're good, but you're not great.
I want to help you take the next step.
And to do that,
you gotta get better at X, Y, and Z.
You're not coachable and coachable.
Kid becomes an unemployable adult.
Let me help you understand this.
At every at every every scope.
This applies here.
Now we know how not do the fifth
like brutally.
But but truth is gotta be spoken.
But another reason
why why we offend people
is because sometimes
we just say the wrong thing and misspeak.
Sometimes we get it wrong,
and sometimes we say things that
we say the wrong way
with the wrong intent, the wrong priority.
And it just hurts. And we offend people.
And when those things happen,
we need to be able to say, look,
I'm sorry I was wrong.
I'm sorry
that what I said was so offensive.
I just I didn't do it well,
I'm going to happen that way.
But another reason, especially
in the context of preaching and teaching,
why James says we offend
everybody is is this because as a teacher,
as a preacher, my theology and
understanding of God in the kingdom grows.
I can look back a decade ago
and think, what was I thinking?
I can look back two decades ago
and think, well, I've
some of the stuff and I'm old enough.
I can go back three decades
when I was first
learned to preach and teach and think,
oh Lord, thank you for your mercy.
Thank you that
some people are still walking with you
in spite of my preaching and teaching.
The fact is, we have a lot of.
If you if you're someone
who speaks, you have a lot of opportunity
to offend people.
And if you're someone who speaks a lot,
you have a lot more opportunity
to offend people.
And this is what the Bible says.
Sin is not ended by multiplying words,
What it's saying is where there's
a lot of words, there's a lot of sin.
But the prudent hold their tongues.
The tongue of the righteous
is choice, silver.
But the heart of the wicked
is of little value.
The lips of the righteous nourished many.
But fools die for lack of sense.
And so he says, look,
just be careful with your words,
because the more you speak, the more often
you're going to have to offend people.
Now, in the world of fathers,
this is especially true.
have any of you dads
just been at that place in your
in your life, your world, your situation
where the kids, the wife that someone
has just as pushed so much,
where you just start,
start the word vomit
and you're in the midst of the stream
and you're thinking,
I shouldn't be saying what I'm saying,
and I shouldn't be saying it the way I'm
saying it, but I can't help it right now.
And I got a lot more words,
and I'm going to spew out right now.
And have you ever been there?
Yeah, yeah.
So, if if
you kids and wives have
your dad and husband ever been anywhere on
Tell the Truth, you will ask those who.
Now, I don't
I don't know the reality of this.
I know my experience of it.
I cannot
I cannot think of one hurtful thing
that my father ever said to me.
I'm sure he did.
But I've been thinking.
I've been trying to remember some time
when my dad just lost it on me.
And I'm so fortunate
to not be able to think of a time,
and I thank God for that.
I think that I thank God for you.
And I hope my sons have very bad memories.
All right.
Not all my bad,
because now I said that was wrong.
Very poor.
I hope they can't remember very much.
That's what I'm trying to say.
I'm giving them a bad memories
to help me forget it.
That's what I'm saying.
But when James says, be careful
because you'll be judged more strictly.
What's you talk about being judged
more strictly.
Are we going to be judged
more strictly by God?
But. But here's why that's not scary.
Because though we may be judged
more strictly by God,
it doesn't mean that we be condemned
more fully.
Because I am in Christ,
therefore there is no condemnation,
even under strict judgment.
He may just be more strictly,
but he's not going to condemn me
more greatly,
because under the blood of Christ
and Him on the cross,
that's even that sin is forgiven.
And the sin of misspeaking sitting on this
stool is not greater than your sin,
and it's covered by the blood of Jesus.
So there's no fear,
there's responsibility,
but there's no fear.
He just says, just make sure you're called
because you'll be judged more strictly,
more strictly to what?
I don't believe that what James is saying
that will be more strictly to get it
all right,
because God is so profound and so big
and so deep and such an incredible mystery
that how can any preacher teacher
get everything right about who God is?
So I don't think he's saying,
make sure that you get everything right.
I think one of the things he's saying is
we will be judged
more strictly.
Because we have to teach the whole thing.
We gotta we gotta teach
from the table of
contents, through the maps.
And there's some stuff in here
that that as a teacher,
you used to want to deal with.
Because how it's going
to come across to this culture
and there's a tendency
to back off a little bit.
Let me tell you this.
I owe you and I owe God
my father, who's called me the respect
to teach the whole thing.
And if I back off out of fear of you,
if I back off
because you might cancel me,
that's what will be judged.
And so I approach this
with authority and great humility.
But I'm not backing off.
Do you understand that? Yes.
And I don't want to offend you,
but if you're offended by
God's truth, that's your fault, not mine.
And I'll teach it as gently as I can with
as much mercy and grace as I've received.
But it's
going to be the whole of Scripture.
We'll be judged more fully.
I think that what that also means is
we can't be lazy about it.
Dealing with the Word of God requires
such dedication
and devotion and struggle and turmoil
and work.
It is exhausting,
but it must not be approached
with a lazy attitude
that will just show up
and see what God does.
That's so wrong.
And so it's got to be handled
with great care and God will judge me.
Not that I get it all right,
because I am unable to get it all right,
but with the diligence and dedication
and devotion that I give to the study
and the preparation so that I can do it
well, does that make sense?
Same thing goes for you.
Every one of you in
this place is a teacher.
At some level.
And when the Kingdom of God seek first
the kingdom of God and His righteousness,
when that is paramount in your life,
you better approach this
and putting it here
with great dedication
and wisdom and diligence.
But let me tell you this.
This is another way we'll be judged.
That what I proclaim.
I've got a practice.
And have to be perfect.
And that's why I.
One of the things I will
proclaim is repentance and mercy
and grace.
Because as I fail,
I will repent before my God,
and I will always proclaim
his mercy and his grace.
So that I have the authority
to preach
truth and to call you to repentance.
Because of God's mercy and grace.
Now, part of what that means.
Is that when I talk about
God being the God
who steps in and intervenes,
who is the God of mercy,
who is a God of grace,
who was a God of life?
Who is a God who is present with us?
Who is the God that we can approach
his throne of grace
with confidence, because we know that
before the throne of grace
we receive mercy and grace
to help us in our time of need.
That because I believe
and I preach that for God's people,
he will discharge his ministering angels
to both protect them from the evil one
and to serve
and help us in our times of need.
Because I preach that I must practice that
in the first service,
I was halfway through my message
and there was a man sitting
right back there who turned to his side
and kind of knelt down, and I thought
he was just having a moment with Jesus.
And I kept preaching,
and he stood up
and kind of stumbled to the back.
A couple people saw was gone
and got up and followed him,
and he fell down.
I had no idea what was going on.
Most of us didn't.
Couple people in the back did.
What was happening
was having a heart attack
and he collapsed.
And there were some people
in our church, medical professionals,
who recognized
what was going on and jumped up
and ran back
and started doing what they knew
to do to try to save his life.
His heart stopped.
He stopped breathing.
All this was going on back there.
I have no idea what's happening.
and so I directed the
chaos and just said,
there are some medical professionals here.
Let them do their work.
And they shouted back.
They're doing it!
I couldn't tell what was going on,
but all of a sudden
I see the compressions start,
and they're doing compressions on a man.
And right laying on the ground,
right back there.
His heart had stopped.
His breathing had stopped,
and he was dead.
And one of the ladies back there
just yelled, pray, pray.
And so we, of course, stopped everything.
And I sat here
and I said, church, start praying.
And I prayed.
Because what I have been preaching
is that we can approach the
throne of grace with confidence,
knowing that there we will receive
mercy and grace
to help us in our time of need.
And that God dispatches
his angels as ministering spirits
to protect from the evil one,
and to intervene in our needs and help us,
and that God is the God of life
and peace and not chaos,
and that God is the God who steps in,
and that God is the God who makes up
in strength.
When we're weak and fail.
That God is the God who gives discernment
and wisdom
to know what to do in the midst.
When we don't.
That God is the God who is present
in this place, that God is the God
who orchestrates and intervenes
to bring people to the exact scenario.
He needs his people to live
and move and, and, and act in that
he is the God that orchestrated this man
to have a heart attack in this place.
On Sunday morning.
That God is the God that orchestrated
a paramedic
who is never off on Sunday
to just by chance, have this Sunday off
and jump in and be the first
to give compression who God is.
The God is who orchestrates
a retired spinal surgeon from Kaiser
to be sitting right next to the man
when he collapsed to take care of him.
That God is
the God who sees us in our need and says,
I will step in and intervene
if you just simply come to my throne
believing that I will, that God is the God
that can not only stop hearts
but can start them.
That God is the God that can bring life
to where there is death, that
God is the God. Yeah.
And if I didn't pray that with my words,
it wouldn't matter
if I believed it in my head.
And so I sat here
knowing, just having preached this,
that God will judge me more strictly,
that if I believe you in my mind,
in my heart, and then profess it
before the church, it's dead faith.
And I would stand before God one day.
Oh, yeah, here's what I'm saying.
If any of us claim that faith
and that God,
that prayer and that confidence
has got to come through in our words,
not a timid God is not a timid,
oh Lord, we don't know.
Not a timid God, I'm sure, but God.
not commanding his hand at all,
but just requesting
the blessing of being in his presence.
And we pray for a peace
that passes understanding.
And a submissiveness to his sovereignty
and a realization
that for those in this place
who didn't know Jesus would realize that
one day they will stand before him
in those who in that time will be.
And there's no time to delay.
I was told just after that service
that someone who was, who was who was been
exposed to our church time
and time again decided because of that,
that it's time for her to get baptized.
Talk to the paramedics outside.
And they said, we love your church.
We all have the opportunity.
To not just believe,
but to speak what we believe.
Not that speaking make it makes it happen,
but speaking changes the heart
and you.
And so in that moment, I had to speak
as a teacher and a preacher.
Words of authority
that were from God's Word.
They were my words.
They were just God's words.
And there were people all over the church
with their hands
raised and praying themselves
like reaching out in their spirit.
God moved God saying,
don't let this man die.
Not on Sunday in our church.
The Lord, that church is out there.
He could die.
And but not this one.
In fact,
and there was just this overwhelming sense
that no,
not today.
So they started the compressions,
went through two rounds of people,
and there was some wailing
and some crying,
certainly some pleading with God.
He had no heartbeat
and no breath and no pulse.
And so we started praying, God, today
you are the God of life.
You're the God of healing.
And we speak that and pronounce
that with the authority.
The name of Jesus over him right now.
And almost immediately start praying that
he woke up.
And he shut up.
And he said, I'm okay.
I think it was just indigestion.
Oh, yeah.
He died.
God is so good.
So that he brought people
who knew what they were doing.
And he's so good
to work beyond their ability
to create life in a dead man.
So yeah.
You can play.
You better clap for that.
So much life that as I'm talking to him
in the ambulance
I said I will see you next week.
He said no, I'm going back packing.
And I thank God
that God orchestrated his life
and the lives of the medical professionals
in this place.
For him to be here
and have his heart attack today.
God is a good God.
Oh, God, now he's good
regardless of that result.
You understand that?
He's good regardless of that result.
It was just a lot of fun
to get to see that result.
It's the first time
in my 30 plus years of ministry
that someone has died.
While I was preaching.
And it's my first time
in 30 plus years of ministry
that God's brought him back to life.
And what I told the church
in the first service,
after a moment like that,
we got 1 or 2 options.
You either have a baptism
or take an offering.
I don't know what.
I don't know what else to do.
I don't know what else to do.
But I want you to know this.
And if you claim Jesus.
You need to not just claim him.
You need to live like you do.
And you need to not just live like you do.
You need to proclaim like you do.
Because God will judge
every one of his kids who claim something
but doesn't act like it
and doesn't talk like it.
You understand?
Now we leave the results up to him,
and in grief and celebration,
we honor him for who he is.
Is that clear?
And that's what it means to be
mentored by Jesus
and discipled by him.
That honors the father
in every miracle, and in the garden
and the cross.
And Christmas.
The first service was this also,
if you don't yet know this, God,
and if you have not
trusted him with your life.
I don't
know what it is you're waiting for.
It's appointed
once for man to die and then be judged.
What the Bible says.
Every one of us
will go through that moment.
And if we live our lives
in rejection of Jesus,
when that moment comes,
we will be rejected before the father,
not out of anger,
but he'll honor our choices on earth.
Every one of us
will go through that moment.
And I implore you,
in the name of Jesus,
with great mercy and grace,
get yourself right with God
through faith in Jesus right now,
right now.
God is a good God.
He's a good father.
And I thank the Lord
for his salvation
and for the saving of that life.
Today you, you. It's a good Sunday.
It's a good Sunday.
And that's the God
you get to carry around with you.
It's been said that Christianity
is the only religion in the world
where the man's God
comes and lives in him.
This is it.
There's no other religion in the world
where the God comes and lives inside.
Is it?
And it matters.
And you need him. You understand?
And you pray with me, father.
Thank you
God. I give you praise
for the saving of that life today.
Yeah, you left to ourselves.
He's dead and he stays dead.
I thank you for those people
for whom you've given skill to,
and knowledge and understanding
a call of their on their lives
to do what they did.
I thank you that you orchestrated them
to be here today,
when so many of them
weren't even planning on it.
You just changed plans
so you could have your people here.
And I thank you that
that that his heart attack
happened here at that moment and
and not tomorrow and not next week
when he's up in the woods.
It just so good.
And I thank you for the faith
and the confidence
and the assurance of this church
that while that's going on,
prayed with the thought
that approached your throne of grace,
knowing that will receive mercy
and grace to help us in our time of need.
You're so good, so
I thank you that this church has a story
of resurrection to tell.
You're so good
and you're a good father. You.
God, I pray that
that what you allowed us to experience
this year would not be wasted on us.
Let us not treat this
with contempt or normalcy at all.
So? So move your hand.
I pray you call us into relation
in the following of you
the God who would live in us.
My goodness.
Friends, I want to invite you
if you have never accepted
Jesus as your Savior yet.
Boy, this is your day.
Would you just simply by faith said, God,
I accept your son into my life.
Jesus, come into my life.
Forgive me of my sin.
I want you living in me.
You are real.
There's no denying it.
You resurrect dead things, dead
people resurrect me, make me new.
I accept you as a leader in my life.
Would you take that step?
If you never done that?
Would you take that step right now?
And if you've taken that step, would you.
Would you just say, God,
I want to live
and I want to speak like I really do
believe this.
Like you're alive.
Your word is alive.
It's active and sharper than any two edged
It it works.
Would you give me the confidence
in authority to act like it doesn't?
To speak like it does?
Would you resurrect dead things in me?
Would you resurrect dead people around me?
Would you give me the boldness
of the courage
to move in the authority of of your word,
submitting to your sovereignty,
whatever that means?
Father, I thank you.
We can't say enough
what a good father you are.
You you.
I thank you for the experience of that
in a very real way.
May you be forever praised.
Pray we never get tired of telling
your story.
God, we love you.
I thank you for the outcome
of first service,
that it ended like it did.
What a good God you are is
pray all these things.
Jesus in your matchless, mighty name.
Celebrate who God is
and the fullness of his sovereignty,
the pain of it and the glory of it.
The loss and the gain.
He's sovereign and he's good.
We gotta understand that.
We gotta know that.
Sometimes we go through this valley
of the shadow of death.
Sometimes we go through the crucifixion.
Sometimes we go to the grave.
And other times
we get to see in living color
his hand of miracle, his hand of power,
his hand of resurrection, his hand of.
Of might.
We praise him all the same.
Listen, if you've not been baptized
by immersion.
And you know Jesus as your Savior,
next week is your week.
And I implore you
in that same name of Jesus to be obedient
and to follow
Jesus example of baptism by immersion.
And if that's you,
I want you to let us know.
Stop at the start here, Booth.
Fill out one of the cards.
Let us know online.
Jeff, me, David.
Okay, Kaylee, someone needs to have
a conversation with you this week,
but just a conversation
to make sure we're good.
And then let
let us celebrate your baptism next week.
It's your next right spiritual step.
Listen, we're going to sing one more song.
And for the rest of the day,
I want you to carry with you
the knowledge
and the assurance of this incredible God
that we serve and who loves us.
All. Right, let's sing.